Triple P

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Triple P – Positive Parenting Program

Aspire offers the Triple Stepping Stones Group, which is designed to support parents who have children with a disability between ages 2-12 years. The program helps parents become self-reliant and able to adapt strategies to deal with a wide range of behavioural or developmental issues common in children with a disability.

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® is one of the world’s most effective parenting programs. It is one of the few based on evidence from ongoing scientific research. Developed by clinical psychologist Professor Matt Sanders and his colleagues at Australia’s University of Queensland, Triple P has been tested with thousands of families through ongoing research for more than 35 years. More than 600 trials, studies and published papers, including more than 200 evaluation papers, 113 of which are randomized controlled trials, have shown it works across cultures, socioeconomic groups and in many different family structures.

Triple P is designed to give parents the skills they need to raise confident, healthy children and teenagers and to build stronger family relationships. Triple P doesn’t tell people how to parent. Rather, it gives parents simple and practical strategies they can adapt to suit their own values, beliefs and needs. The benefits can be dramatic and long-lasting.

“Children who grow up with positive parenting are more likely to develop the skills they need to do well at school, build friendships, and feel good about themselves,” says Professor Sanders.

“They are also much less likely to develop behavioural or emotional problems when they get older. Similarly, parents who use positive parenting skills feel more confident and competent about managing day-to-day family life. They are also less stressed, less depressed and have less conflict with their partners over parenting issues.”

Triple P is distinctive in that it is not a “one-size-fits-all” course. Rather, it is a system that offers increasing levels of support to meet parents’ different needs.

Participants accessing this program must be residents in the geographical area of Disability Services, Central Region.

Referrals can be made by FSCD Caseworker, Community, FSCD Agency, Family Enhancement, Parent Link Centres and Foster care. This program is funded by Disability Services Central Region.